Exhibition Tools
Ginga-NCL tools follow Basic DTV and Enhanced DTV profiles of NCL 3.0. You can download the source code of the Ginga-NCL reference implementation at the SVN server of the Brazilian Public Software Portal (needs registering at Ginga Community). More information about work in progress can be requested by contacting <ncl@telemidia.puc-rio.br>.
(Under evaluation, available soon)
(Under evaluation, available soon)
Linux Virtual Machine for VMWare, including Ginga-NCL C++ v. 0.12.4
Ginga Player (LIFIA - Universidad de La Plata)

ITU-T Reference Implementation of Ginga Player, with graphical user interface for Windows.
(1) Ginga-NCL Virtual STB is a virtual appliance for VMWare products. Therefore, VMWare Player is required.
(2) The C++ version of Ginga-NCL included into the Ginga4Windows and the Virtual STB is a reference implementation, more adherent to the ABNT standards. As a reference implementation, this software shall not be used or distributed in comsumer equipment. PUC-Rio has no responsibility for any use of its source code by third-party vendors.